Sunday, October 4, 2009

Grace & Truth By Moonlight

Tonight was the epitome of a great night for Bible reading. I waited until everyone went to bed, went outside on the back porch and prayed under the light of a beautiful moon, and then came back inside and read in blissful silence.

Today's reading included John chapter 1, which describes Jesus as the one who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. Many times I have meditated on that phrase, grace and truth, and I still marvel at the combination. So many times humans corrupt the truth by using as a weapon with which to bludgeon another person. Others lack the courage to tell the truth or the wisdom to discern it, and so their "grace" has no depth to it. But Jesus perfectly combines those two qualities to the extent that John uses them to describe who he is.

I pray that God would give me those qualities in just the right proportion-grace enough to use the truth to build others up, instead of tearing them down.

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