Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thoughts From Marilyn

Hello Fellow WCAG Bible-Readers,

This week I’ve been asked to write some comments about our journey – Through the Bible in a Year. It’s a wonderful, motivating, arduous adventure alright! I’m a pretty slow reader so I’ve had to give up listening to a favorite radio preacher at noon, and go to my quiet place and read the Bible instead. Another friend told me he gets up 15 minutes earlier in the morning to read his portion. However you fit it into your schedule, it’s rewarding. This week I’ve completed First and Second Kings. Whew! - I felt uncomfortable the whole time. Why were so many of those kings in Israel “evil in the sight of the Lord?” How could they be so blind to their idolatry and rebellion? Oops! I was judging them! Then I compared our country’s spiritual conditions today, and I realized how much we need God’s mercy and forgiveness. We’re so blessed to be living under the New Covenant, with Jesus’ Blood available when we cry out for forgiveness of our sins.

Back to First and Second Kings. The way I kept track of their names, length of reign, and “good or bad” leadership in God’s eyes, was to watch for the pattern in each chapter, and write it in the margin. That way was like keeping score. Oh, how I wished the good guys had won! But no, the majority of the kings led their people to sin by worshipping idols, and ignoring the prophets – Elijah and Elisha. Because of their sins, God had the Northern Kingdom (Israel) defeated and taken captive by Assyria. Later, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, was defeated and exiled to Babylon.

The whole history of the Kings reminded me of God’s good parenting. He gave His Commandments for our own good, and there are consequences when we disobey. His faithfulness shows up every time they repented, and His mercy is always there when we obey.
Let’s press on in our journey with Him and His Word – He is washing us in the water of the Word.

Thanks For Listening,

Marilyn Knoepfel